Bullying Resources

Search through the useful links below to find helplines, information and further resources for bullying.


Bully Busters

Helpline: 0800 169 6928 | 3pm-6pm weekdays
Email support: click here (available via website)


Bullying UK

Helpline: 0808 800 2222 | 9am-9pm weekdays, 10am-3pm weekends
Email support: askus@familylives.org.uk


The Cybersmile Foundation

Email support: help@cybersmile.org


National Bullying Helpline

Helpline: 0845 225 5787 | 9am-5pm weekdays


Parentline – Children 1st (Scotland)

Helpline: 08000 282 233 | 9am-9pm weekdays, 9am-12pm weekends
Textline: 07860 022 844
Email support: parentlinescotland@children1st.org.uk

Webchat available


Revenge Porn Helpline

Infoline: 0345 600 0459 | 10am-4pm weekdays
Email support: help@revengepornhelpline.org.uk
To report anonymously, click here


Stop Hate

Report a hate crime: 0800 138 1625
Report an LGBT+ hate crime: 0808 801 0661
Report a learning disability hate crime: 0808 802 1155